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Flag/Unflag Transactions as Repost

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Used this option to mark transactions that should have been flagged as repost during a reversal/repost session but were not. 


·        Repost transactions appear on the Reversal/Repost report and are non-cash.  Non-cash means the transaction will not be part of the bank deposit.


·        Also be used to remove the Repost flag when a transaction is accidently marked. Use “VIEW TRANSACTIONS” to see the repost status of a transaction.

Menu CANCEL/REVERSE POSTING, option Flag/Unflag Transactions as Repost


Enter Transaction or Account Number


Enter the Transaction Number at the Enter Transaction Number prompt or the Account Number for the transactions that needs to be reposted, press <Enter>.



All qualifying transactions for the debtor in the month selected will be displayed.


       Use the arrow keys to highlight the desired transaction and press <Enter>.



Select Yes to set a flag to Repost (RE) the transaction, select No to not set a flag to Repost the transaction.



 To remove the repost flag, use the arrow keys to highlight the transaction and press <Enter>.


Select Yes to remove the flag to Repost (RE) the transaction, select No to not remove the flag to Repost the transaction.