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Posting Screen


Previous days transactions that have occurred within the current month can no longer be deleted in TCS when ETA is implemented.  This is a fundamental feature of the ETA software.  When previous day’s transactions need to be corrected, a reversal operation will need to be performed.


When posting NSFs/Reversals, an option is available to use today’s date as the transaction date rather than the original date from the NSF/reversed transaction.   If this option is desired, contact CCI for implementation.

Some clients will not share in NSFs.  In these instances, posting an NSF transaction (typically trans code 13) is fruitless and should not be allowed.  CCI can set up code in those clients’ setups so that NSFs cannot be posted and is instead charged against the debtor account in a non-shared field.


-         Daily posting is accomplished in the normal manner. However, NSFs, reversals and cancelled transactions are entered using an enhanced version of the “cancellation” function in Posting. This enhancement allows the clerk to view all payment transactions for the account and select which payment to NSF or reverse. If the original payment has not appeared on a statement, both the original and the NSF or reversal will automatically be flagged to not appear on future statements.


To use the “cancellation” function in Posting, enter C at the Enter Account# (?, /) prompt at the bottom of the Posting screen.  Cancel Reverse Posting Menu