CT Impact Lite Documentation


CT Impact Lite Operating Instructions


The CT Impact Lite programs were designed to be familiar in feel and intuitive to use for experienced TCS (The Collector System) users.


The first time that you run either the Build Campaign or Process Results programs, you will be prompted to enter configuration information.  On all future runs of those programs, the configuration information will be displayed with an option to change it, but in almost every case, you will key Enter to accept that information as is and proceed to the main program functionality.


All of the configuration parameters should have been set up according to the instructions in the How to Install CT Impact Lite Dialer Interface page.


Build Campaign Configuration:

The only configuration option for Build Campaign is to specify the folder path on your TCS host computer where the campaign file should be written. 


Process Results Configuration:

There are 4 configuration options for the Process Results program.  They are:

1.  The folder path where you will place the results files after you get them from IAT.

2.  The FISCAL file attribute number (not the screen number) for storing the last date dialed.

3.  The FISCAL attribute for storing the last dialer result code.

4.  The FISCAL attribute for storing the last campaign name dialed.


Build Campaign Program:

Build a List of DNUMs:

Using the Recall query language, build a list of DNUMs.  Save that list with a unique name.  The name that you choose will become the campaign name and part of the file name.  Therefore, if you are on a Windows-based system, you should avoid having a period as part of your list name.


If you use TCS’s packeting feature, we suggest that you only select accounts where PRIMARY = “1”.  This will keep you from making multiple calls to the same debtor.


If you are not familiar with the Recall query language, Columbia Ultimate offers training on this valuable tool.  For customized selections or dictionary items, Cubs Consulting, Inc. would be glad to help on an hourly fee basis.


User Interface:

Once your list is built and saved.  Run the CTIL.BUILD.CAMPAIGN program, either from the menu system or from TCL.  Your previously entered configuration information will display.  Key Enter to accept it.


You will be prompted to enter the list name for the list of DNUMs saved in the previous step.  Once you’ve entered the list name, a campaign file will be written to the specified folder.  The name of the campaign file will be XXXX$YYYYYYY.txt, where XXXX is the TCS logon name and YYYYYYY is the name of your list (and now the name of the campaign).  A message will be displayed on the screen saying that the file has been written.


Move Campaign File to IAT:

There are various ways to get the campaign file to IAT for processing by their CT Impact service.  You should consult with them to find the method which works best for you.


Once the file has been transferred to IAT, you may want to move it to a local archive folder if you’ve set one up for that purpose.



Process Results Program:

Get Results File from IAT:

There are various ways to receive the results file from IAT for processing on your TCS system.  You should consult with them to find the method which works best for you.


The results file should be placed in the folder in which the Process Results program is configured to look for it.


User Interface:

Run the CTIL.PROCESS.RESULTS program, either from the menu system or from TCL.  Your previously entered configuration information will display.  Key Enter to accept it.


A list of all the files in the results folder will be displayed.  Choose the one that you want to process and enter its name in the input box.  Most people find it easier to copy and paste the file name instead of typing it.


Once you’ve specified the file, the program will update the accounts contained within it, but only those for the current logon.  Notes will be updated in the MEMO file for each result.  If you are so configured, the FISCAL attributes will also be updated.


Some Hints:

If you have more than one TCS logon, you will need to run the same results file through the Process Results program once per logon. 


Once the file has been processed against each of your logons, you may want to move it to an archive folder if you’ve set one up for that purpose.




Copyright 2009, Cubs Consulting, Inc.