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CT Center Dialer Interface Reference Manual

Configuration Programs – Agents Definition


The result code definitions have the capability of causing an update to CU’s CF Activity report data.  If you have specified “Y” for at least one result code to update this report, you must use the Agents Definition screen to create a mapping between the CT Center agent-ids and the CUBS users’ initials.


If you don’t want your result codes to update the CF Activity report, you can ignore this configuration screen.



                            IAT Dialer Agent Codes        

  Ln  Agent               Inits     Desk

 001. JSMITH              JBS       12       

 002. WCARTER             WXC       3




















(B)ack, (N)ext, (A)dd, nbr, (D)elete, (F)ile, e(X)it:  



The list of agents is sorted alphabetically by the agent name. 

Detail Prompts:

Agent:  Enter the CT Center agent-id, up to 19 characters.  Whatever you enter will be converted to all upper case characters.  This is a required entry for a valid mapping.


Inits:  Enter the corresponding CUBS user initials for this agent.  This is a required entry for a valid mapping.


Desk:  Enter the appropriate desk number for this agent.  This is a required entry for a valid mapping.  The desk number entered is verified against the database and rejected if not valid.


Command Prompt Options:

B: Back a page.  Used if there are more agents than fit on a single page and this is not the first page.


N: Next page. Used if there are more agents than fit on a single page, and this is not the last page. 


A: Used to add a new agent.  Detail prompting will take place in the next unpopulated line on the screen.


nbr:  Modify an existing agent definition.  Entering a number activates the Detail prompting for the data on that line number.  That number must exist or an error message is displayed.


D or Dnn:  Delete an agent definition.  If “D” is entered, another prompt will display, “Enter line number to delete:”.  Once a line number is entered, that agent definition will be deleted.  If Dnn is entered, it is the same as if “D” is entered and “nn” is entered for the second prompt. 


F:  File (or save) the current agent definitions.


X:  Exit from the Agent Definition program






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