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PJP software is proprietary intellectual property of Cubs Consulting, Inc. Source code is encrypted. Users have a limited license to use the software which is renewable for an annual fee. Notwithstanding the proprietary nature of the application, system administrators have a legitimate need to understand the nature of programs which are executing on their system. With that consideration in mind, the following information is made available.
· Programs
All PJP programs reside in the PL-CCI file which was created in your “main” logon at installation time. Other logons point to the common program file. The program names and brief descriptions follow:
PHANTOM.CONSOLE: The Main screen of the Phantom Console
PHANTOM.CONSOLE.EMAIL: The Email Recipients screen of the Phantom Console
PHANTOM.CONSOLE.LOG: The Log screen of the Phantom Console
PHANTOM.CONSOLE.PHANTOM: The Phantom Detail screen of the Phantom Console
PHANTOM.CONSOLE.PLANNED.STOPPAGE: The Planned Stoppage screen of the Phantom Console
PHANTOM.CONSOLE.PROCESS: The Process Detail screen of the Phantom Console
PHANTOM.DRIVER: The program which runs when a phantom is launched. It executes the processes.
PHANTOM.EQUATES: Not a program at all. Rather, a list of equate statements used by all programs
PHANTOM.GET.PORT.PID: A subroutine called by various of the other programs
PHANTOM.KILL: A subroutine called by PHANTOM.CONSOLE
PHANTOM.MONITOR: A program executed by your system scheduler and also by PHANTOM.CONSOLE
PHANTOM.RENEW.LICENSE: Executed from TCL to display or change expiration date
PHANTOM.RESUME: A program executed by your system scheduler
PHANTOM.SEND.EMAIL: A subroutine call by various of the other programs
PHANTOM.TEST: A test application program used to validate correct installation of PJP
PHANTOM-DAYEND: Cubs’ dayend processing without the user interface
Additionally, there is a proc in the MD (or VOC) file called CFDAYEND-PHANTOM. This proc is called by the PHANTOM-DAYEND program.
Each attribute contains a separate log entry. The limit of number of attributes to store at any one time is in the PHANTOM-SETUP item, attribute 1.
Multi-Value |
Name |
Notes |
Item-ID |
Logon*Name |
1 |
Date |
2 |
Time |
3 |
Status Code |
“1” – Waiting to launch process “2” – Process launched regular time “3” – Process launched override time “4” – Process completed “5” – Phantom started “6” – Phantom stopped “7” – Phantom killed “8” – Phantom hung “9” – Phantom stop requested “10” – Phantom start requested “11” – Phantom stopped by plan “12” – Phantom resumed by plan “13” – Phantom nothing to do “14” – Phantom stopped by auto shutdown “15” – Phantom resumed after auto shutdown |
4 |
Run Instruction |
Used for status 1, 2, 3 or 4. |
5 |
Next Launch Date |
Only used for status 1. |
6 |
Next Launch Time |
Only used for status 1. |
7 |
Elapsed Time |
Only used for status 4. |
8 |
User Initials |
Used for status 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 |
The purpose of this file is to contain set-up parameters about the various phantoms.
Attribute |
Name |
Notes |
Item-ID |
Logon * Name |
1 |
Log Limit |
How many log entries to keep at any one time. |
2 |
Run Instruction |
Multivalued; all the following attributes (except 9 and 10) are also multivalued, correlated to this one |
3 |
Cycle |
One of the following formats: “x;x;…;x” where x is M, TU, W, TH, F, SA, or SU; “C”; “H”; “X”; or “Mxx” where 1 <= xx <= 28. |
4 |
Time |
Internal time value in seconds. For cycle “C” the number of seconds between runs. For cycle “H” the number of minutes past the hour to launch the process. For other cycles, the internal time to launch the process. |
5 |
Maximum Run Time |
Internal time (i.e. number of seconds) |
6 |
Override Date Next Launch |
Internal date format |
7 |
Override Time Next Launch |
Internal time format |
8 |
Email Address |
Subvalued for multiple email addresses |
9 |
Printer Form |
10 |
Print/Hold Option |
“1” – Print only “2” – Hold only “3” – Print and Hold |
11 |
Stacked Input |
subvalued to allow for multiple inputs |
There are 2 kinds of items in the PHANTOM-STATUS file. The status item is keyed by Logon*Name, and the cross-reference items are keyed by either user port or pid.
Attribute |
Name |
Notes |
Item-ID |
Logon * Name |
1 |
Status Code |
See list of status codes in the PHANTOM-LOG file definition, attribute 3, above. |
2 |
Run Instruction |
Defines the process involved, if status code is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8. |
3 |
Launch Date |
For status code 1, a future date/time. For 2, 3, 4 or 8, a past date/time. |
4 |
Launch Time |
5 |
Status Date |
The date/time that this item was last updated. |
6 |
Status Time |
7 |
Phantom Started Date |
The date/time that the phantom was started. If status code is 6, 7, 11, or 14, these attributes are empty. |
8 |
Phantom Started Time |
9 |
Port |
The Pick port number on which this phantom is being run. Empty for status code 6, 7, 11, or 14. |
10 |
If available, the unix process-id for this phantom. Empty for status code 6, 7, 11, or 14. |
11 |
Check In Date |
The date/time that the last call to the program PHANTOM.STOP.REQUESTED was made |
12 |
Check In Time |
Attribute |
Name |
Notes |
Item-ID |
PORT*: Value, or PID*: Value |
1 |
Phantom ID |
Logon*Name |
This item may be different for each logon, which is why it is stored in the CODES file. It is used by the PHANTOM-DAYEND program to make it unnecessary to have user interaction as dayend is initialized.
Attribute |
Name |
Notes |
1 |
Printer form queue |
default is “F0” |
2 |
Run Matching Report |
default is “Y” |
3 |
Run CF-Activity |
default is “N” |
4 |
Run CF-Dayend |
default is “Y” |
5 |
Last work day of week |
“5” – Friday; “6”- Saturday; “7”- Sunday |
The number of days after which a phantom will automatically shut down, to be re-launched by the PHANTOM.RESUME program.
Each of the 4 attributes contain the email address of the person to be notified of the corresponding event. If there are multiple email addresses, they are separated by semi-colons.
Attribute |
List for Event |
Notes |
1 |
Phantom started |
2 |
Phantom hung |
3 |
Phantom stopped |
4 |
Phantom killed |
This item contains a single attribute. It is a 15 digit encrypted date which must be re-set each year.
Once you are within 30 days of the expiration date, a warning comes up letting you know to renew your license. Registering the day of the last warning in this item, keeps the PJP programs from warning you more than once per day.
Attribute |
Name |
Notes |
1 |
Stop Date |
2 |
Stop Time |
3 |
Resume Date |
4 |
Resume Time |
If this item exists, it’s a message to the PHANTOM.DRIVER program to shut down. As part of shutting down, PHANTOM.DRIVER should remove this item. Additionally, the PHANTOM.KILL program deletes this item for the phantom being killed.
Copyright 2008, Cubs Consulting, Inc.