PJP Documentation > Tutorial


PJP Tutorial – Step 12


The preceding tutorial was an introduction to the Phantom Job Processor system.  Its objective was to get you familiar with PJP functionality.  This review will document some of the concepts introduced, with a bit more detail.


Phantom Console:  The phantom console program provides a user interface with control options for the phantom administrator to use to manage the phantoms and their processes.  It can be password protected to assure that only authorized personnel have access to it.


Phantom Administrator:  The PJP system was designed to be used by trained administrators.  It is not intended to be a user function.


Phantom:  A phantom is associated with a specific logon and has a unique name within that logon.  It can contain multiple scheduled processes.  Once a phantom is launched, it will execute the processes according to the defined schedule.  On completion of a job, it can send an email, notifying operations staff that the job has completed.


Process:  A process is any job which can be executed on the host system.  Jobs requiring user inputs can be executed using the stacked inputs feature.


Scheduling:  The PJP system has the following scheduling options for individual processes within a phantom.:

-          Specific days or a range of days, at a specific time.

-          Hourly, at a specified number of minutes after the hour.

-          Monthly, on a specified day of the month, at a specified time.

-          Continuously, with a specified number of minutes between runs.

-          One-time override date and time.

-          Temporarily disable a process.


Control Options:  Within the phantom console main screen, the user has the following control options:

-          Add a new phantom; change or delete an existing one.

-          Add a new process to a phantom; change or delete an existing process.

-          Launch a phantom, but only for the current logon. 

-          Stop a phantom for any logon.

-          “Kill” a hung phantom.

-          Specify planned stoppages.

-          Specify email recipients to be notified about phantom events.


This is the end of the Tutorial.  Thank you for your attention!


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