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DueUs/DueYou Report

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The DueUs/DueYou report will produce a real time snap shot of the agency’s receivables and payables balance for each client.

It seamlessly includes both Balance Forward and Open Item clients. Unremitted transactions are treated as they will be applied when printed on a statement.


o   Ability To Reconcile Ledger Balances

o   Real Time AR/AP with Aging

o   Due You Totals Reconcile with Trust Balances


Option page for the report:

Aging can be run separately or concurrently with the DueUs/Due report.

The aging report can include unbilled receivables if desired; otherwise aging is a breakout of previously billed amounts.

Aging buckets are rolled by the month end close. The unpaid balance is placed into aging categories (30, 60, 90, 120+)


Unbilled Receivables is an option CCI can install if requested.


For an example of how the Excel spreadsheet cells would be populated refer to the Daily General Ledger example.

The areas highlighted in yellow are the entries should be made to your accounting system from this report:


Text Box: PAGE 1                                     DUE US - DUE YOU REPORT (CCI)                  05-05-2010 22:35

CLIENT NBR  CLIENT NAME                        TOTAL BILLED   UN BILLED A/R     DUE US (A/R)     DUE YOU (A/P)

310013      A FIRST CLIENT               *G           10.00            0.00            10.00              0.00
310011      A FRIST CLIENT TWO           *G           33.23            0.00            33.23              0.00
54120       ALL GOOD GUYS                              0.00            0.00             0.00            249.00
CC258       ALLIY WANNA MONEY                         77.79            0.00            77.79              0.00
CC450       ALLIY WANNA MONEY, CA                    178.71          164.25           342.96              0.00
CC246       ALLIY WANNA MONEY - WEST     *G          654.30           69.50           723.80             50.00
CC287       ALLIY WANNA MONEY – TWIGS                  0.00            0.00             0.00            359.02
. . . ETC

GRAND TOTALS                                   1,005,476.03      223,553.55     1,229,029.58A     1,011,419.61B

    Notes:	A – cell F18
		B – cell K18















3rd column definition(s): B = Balance Forward, I = Open Item Invoicing

          G = Gross, N = Net Remit

UN BILLED A/R column: Transactions that have not been on a Statement to date.


Example with detail:


PAGE 1                                     DUE US - DUE YOU REPORT (CCI)                  02-11-2012 10:13:20


CLIENT NBR  CLIENT NAME                        TOTAL BILLED   UN BILLED A/R     DUE US (A/R)     DUE YOU (A/P)


                         TC = 8                     -100.00            0.00          -100.00              0.00

47600       TEST CLIENT                 *BG         -100.00            0.00          -100.00              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13023                       344.44            0.00           344.44              0.00

        01-24-12 INVOICE 13124                       144.25            0.00           144.25              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13025                     1,083.00            0.00         1,083.00              0.00

        11-15-11 INVOICE 13078                       344.44            0.00           344.44              0.00

        11-15-11 INVOICE 13080                       344.44            0.00           344.44              0.00

                         TC = 1                        0.00            0.00             0.00            401.45

1           TEST CLIENT                 *IN        2,260.57            0.00         2,260.57            401.45

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13030                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13031                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13032                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13033                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13034                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        10-27-11 INVOICE 13021*CANCELLED               7.41            0.00             7.41              0.00


CLIENT NBR  CLIENT NAME                        TOTAL BILLED   UN BILLED A/R     DUE US (A/R)     DUE YOU (A/P)


        11-08-11 INVOICE 13072                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13073                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13074                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13075                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13076                         7.39            0.00             7.39              0.00

                         TC = 1                        0.00            0.00             0.00             31.34

                         TC = 2                        0.00            0.36             0.36              0.00

                         TC = 7                        0.00            0.00             0.00             60.00

TEST        TEST CLIENT                 *IN           81.31            0.36            81.67             91.34

        12-25-11 INVOICE 13095                     1,083.00            0.00         1,083.00              0.00

        01-24-12 INVOICE 13125                     1,083.00            0.00         1,083.00              0.00

2           YE OLDE BF TEST CLIENT      *IN        2,166.00            0.00         2,166.00              0.00

                                               ____________    ____________     ____________      ____________

TOTAL FOR BRANCH                                   4,407.88            0.36         4,408.24            492.79


                         TC = 1                        0.00            0.00             0.00          4,919.99


SUN207      SUNNY TRUST BANK            *IN            0.00            0.00             0.00          4,919.99

                                               ____________    ____________     ____________      ____________

TOTAL FOR BRANCH        1                              0.00            0.00             0.00          4,919.99


        12-25-11 INVOICE 13096                       920.00            0.00           920.00              0.00

        11-08-11 INVOICE 13024                       920.00            0.00           920.00              0.00

        01-24-12 INVOICE 13126                       920.00            0.00           920.00              0.00

        11-15-11 INVOICE 13071                     2,347.44            0.00         2,347.44              0.00

3           MAB TEST CLIENT             *IN        5,107.44            0.00         5,107.44              0.00

                                               ____________    ____________     ____________      ____________

TOTAL FOR BRANCH        10                         5,107.44            0.00         5,107.44              0.00



GRAND TOTALS                                       9,515.32            0.36         9,515.68          5,412.78




Example Aging Report:


PAGE 1                                              AGING REPORT (CCI)                                 05-05-2010 22:35


CLIENT NBR  CLIENT NAME                    CURRENT       OVER 30      OVER 60       OVER 90       OVER 120    TOTAL BAL


310013     A FIRST CLIENT                    0.00         10.00         0.00           0.00           0.00        10.00

310011     A FIRST CLIENT TWO                0.00         33.23         0.00           0.00           0.00        33.23

CC258      ALLITY WANNA MONEY                0.00         77.79         0.00           0.00           0.00        77.79

CC450      ALLITY WANNA MONEY CAMAN          0.00        178.71         0.00           0.00           0.00       178.71

CC246      ALLITY WANNA MONEY - WEST         0.00        537.77       116.53           0.00           0.00       654.30

CC266      ALLITY WANNA MONEY CAPITAL        0.00          0.00        77.19           0.00           0.00        77.19

. . .  ETC


           GRAND TOTALS                 19,676.43    801,957.49   159,604.10      21,481.47       2,756.54 1,005,476.03




Prompts for DueUs/DueYou Report