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CT Center Dialer Interface Reference Manual

Configuration Programs - Campaign Definition


Main Screen:

The main screen of the campaign definition program shows a list currently defined campaigns.  The user has the ability to add new campaigns or to modify or delete existing campaigns.  If there are more campaigns than can fit on a single screen, the user can also navigate the next or the previous screen full of campaigns.



                     IAT Dialer Campaign Definitions        

 Nbr  Name        Type         Build Strategy  

 01.  CAMPAIGN_1  Interactive  Single recall statement          

 02.  CAMPAIGN_2  CTImpact     Stacked recall statement

 03.  CAMPAIGN_3  Batch        Select from multiple desk ticklers

 04.  CAMPAIGN_4  Interactive  Combine WIPs from multiple desks   

 05.  CAMPAIGN_5  Batch        Use campaign generated by CUBS   

















(B)ack, (N)ext, (A)dd, nbr, (D)elete, e(X)it:  



The list of campaigns is sorted alphabetically by the campaign name. 


B: Back a page.  Used if there are more campaigns than fit on a single page and this is not the first page.


N: Next page. Used if there are more campaigns than fit on a single page, and this is not the last page. 


A: Used to add a new campaign.  A selection box is presented to the user allowing her to choose one of the following options:

-          Copy an existing campaign.  If this option is chosen, the line number of the existing campaign is prompted for.

-          Single Recall statement.

-          Stacked Recall statement.

-          Select from multiple desk ticklers.

-          Combine WIPs from multiple desks.

-          Use campaign generated by CUBS.  This option is only available if the program has found that the Cubs dialer management system was previously installed on this logon.

Once a selection has been made, one of the 5 detail screens will be displayed, ready to define a new campaign.


nbr:  Activates the appropriate Campaign Definition detail screen for modifications to the campaign with that line number.  That number must exist or an error message is displayed.


D or Dnn:  Delete a campaign definition.  If “D” is entered, another prompt will display, “Enter line number to delete:”.  Once a line number is entered, that campaign definition will be deleted.  If Dnn is entered, it is the same as if “D” is entered and “nn” is entered for the second prompt. 


X:  Exit from the Campaign Definition program



Detail Screen:

There are 5 different detail screen programs, each with a different layout appropriate to the build strategy for the campaign.  There are links to details about each of the screen layouts below.


However, each of the different formats have the same 3 prompts in common at the top of the screen.  Each of those three prompts is defined below.



        IAT Dialer Campaign Details – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        








In the header line, the x’s contain the name of the build strategy for the current screen.


Campaign:  Enter the campaign name (in IAT’s terminology, the “list name”).  It must consist of not more than 10 characters.  Legal characters are upper case letters, digits and underscores.  Campaign names must not start with “CF”.  List names starting with CF are reserved for interactive usage of WIPs on the dialer.


Type:  Enter 1 character to specify the campaign type.  Enter “I” for interactive, “B” for batch, or “C” for CT Impact.  In most CT Center installations, all campaigns are interactive, which is the default value for a new campaign definition.  A batch campaign will generate a file which will be transferred to the CT Center host for processing.  A CT Impact campaign will generate a file which will be transferred to IAT’s hosted dialer in their offices for dialing.


Cycle:  What are the next work days for which the day end campaign building process should automatically build this campaign?  You can choose to disable this feature by entering “X” for the cycle.  If a campaign is on the “X” cycle, it must be manually built on demand.


Enter specific days of the week, separated by semicolons (M;TU;W;TH;F;SA;SU). 

Available shortcuts are:

A range of days (i.e. M-F or TU-SA).

“D” = daily (all days).

“X” = Disable this campaign from automatic generation.


Detail Screen Formats for Available Build Strategies:

·       Single Recall Statement

·       Stacked Recall Statements

·       Select from Multiple Desk Ticklers

·       Combine WIPs from Multiple Desks

·       Use Campaign Generated by CUBS




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