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CT Center Dialer Interface Reference Manual

Configuration Programs – Result Code Definition


It is essential that each result code which is configured on your CT Center host is also configured on the Cubs side.  If an un-configured result is encountered in production, it will be ignored.  As new result codes are added to your CT Center host, they must also be added to the Cubs interface through the Result Code Definition screens.


A newly installed CT Center Dialer Interface has a list of the default result codes already partially defined.  The definition of actions to be taken for each of the default result codes is the most important preliminary step to be completed for new installations of the CT Center Dialer Interface.


Please refer to the Results Processing Logic page to understand how the database is updated according to the configuration parameters entered here.


There are 2 screens for this program, the main screen and the detail screen.


Main Screen:

The main screen lists the result codes and their corresponding note text definitions with 20 result codes per page.  It gives the user the ability to navigate through the larger list by looking at the next page or going back to the previous one.  A list of all result code details can be printed.  Existing result codes can be modified or deleted.  New result codes can be added.  For modifying or adding result codes, control is passed to the detail screen.



                   IAT Dialer Result Code Definitions

Nbr  Name                           Note Text


02.  901_NO_PROMISE                 AGT RESULT - NO PROMISE

03.  902_NO_PROMISE                 AGT RESULT - NO PROMISE

04.  903_NO_PROMISE                 AGT RESULT - REFUSE TO PAY

05.  904_NO_PROMISE                 AGT RESULT - DISPUTED DEBT

06.  905_NO_PROMISE                 AGT RESULT - INSURANCE

07.  906_NO_PROMISE                 AGT RESULT - LEGAL

08.  907_WILL_CALL                  AGT RESULT - LEFT MSG TO CALL



11.  ANSWER                         ANSWER



14.  ANS_MACH_LMTC                  AM / LEFT MSG TO CALL



17.  BUSY                           BUSY

18.  DIRECT_XFER                    DIRECT CALL TRANSFER

19.  FAST_BUSY                      FAST BUSY



(B)ack, (N)ext, (A)dd, nbr, (D)elete, (P)rint, e(X)it:  



The list of result codes is sorted alphabetically by the name. 

Command Prompt Options:

B: Back a page.  Used if there are more result codes than fit on a single page and this is not the first page.


N: Next page. Used if there are more result codes than fit on a single page, and this is not the last page. 


A: Used to add a new result code.  An empty detail screen will be displayed, ready to define the new result code.


nbr:  Modify an existing result code definition.  Entering a number activates the detail screen for the result code on that line number.  That number must exist or an error message is displayed.


D or Dnn:  Delete an result code definition.  If “D” is entered, another prompt will display, “Enter line number to delete:”.  Once a line number is entered, that result code definition will be deleted.  If Dnn is entered, it is the same as if “D” is entered and “nn” is entered for the second prompt. 


P:  Print a hard copy listing of the entire result code configuration table.


X:  Exit from the Result Code Definition program


Detail Screen:



        IAT Dialer Result Code Details

        Result Code:  ANS_MACH_LMTC

     Next Work Days:  3

           Priority:  1

      Disable Phone:

           New Desk:

         New Status:

     Failed Attempt:  Y

          Note Text:  AM / LEFT MSG TO CALL

        CF Activity:  N














(/)change, (D)elete, (F)ile, e(X)it:  




Detail Prompts:

Result Code:  Enter the CT Center result code, up to 25 characters.  Only use upper case alpha characters, digits, and the underscore character.  This is a required entry.


Next Work Days:  Enter the number of days to set the tickler ahead for this result code.  This is an optional entry.  If a value is entered, it must be an integer number.


Priority:  Enter the new priority to set on the tickler for this result code.  This is an optional entry.  If a value is entered, it must be an integer number.


Disable Phone:  Enter ! to disable or D to delete phone numbers for this result code.  This is an optional entry.  If a value is entered, it must be either ! or D.


Warning:  On your CT Center system, you have the ability to define the number of maximum attempts to reach what looks like a dead phone number.  After that number of tries, a special MAX_xxx result code is returned.  The “Disable Phone” update parameter should only be configured for the MAX_xxx result codes.  For example, you may get multiple SIT (Special Information Tone) result codes, but after the configured number of tries, a MAX_SIT is finally generated.


New Desk:  Enter the desk to change to for this result code.  This is an optional entry.  If a value is entered, it must be a valid desk.


New Status:  Enter the account status to change to for this result code.  This is an optional entry.  If a value is entered, it must be a valid status code.


Failed Attempt:  Enter Y or N to answer this question: “Is this result code considered a failed attempt?”  This is a required entry.


Warning:  In all reporting and internal calculations for this interface, a “successful” attempt is on for which the “failed attempt” parameter is set to “N”.  This is a bit slippery, using a double negative, so please be careful with it.


Note Text:  Enter the text for the note line.  Leave empty to disable the note for this result code.


CF Activity:  Enter Y or N to answer this question: “Should this result code update the CF-Activity report?”  This is a required entry.



Command Prompt Options:

/:  Move the cursor to the first field on this screen to modify the previous values in any of the fields


D:  Delete this result code definition.


F:  File (or save) changes made to this result code.


X:  Exit from the detail screen, returning to the main screen.






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Copyright 2009, Cubs Consulting, Inc.