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CT Center Dialer Interface Reference Manual

Query Programs – Result History Query



The Result History Query provides flexible access to historical data about dialing results.


There are 2 screens for this program, the main screen and the show counts screen.


Main Screen:

The main screen is used to define selection criteria and sub-total groupings for the show counts screen.  It gives the user the flexibility to define a query which can answer detailed questions about dialer efforts and performance.


There are 2 sections to this screen.  The “Selection Criteria” section defines filters which determine which results will be included in the output.  The “Group By” section defines which sub-totaled columns will appear in the output and what order they will appear in.



























                Dialer Result History Inquiry For CCI



                   *** Selection Criteria ***

      Date Range: 10/01/09-10/02/09

      Hour Range: ALL

     Result Code: ALL

        Campaign: ALL

          Client: 1

           Agent: ALL


                   *** Group By ***

            Date: 1


     Result Code: 3

        Campaign: 2









(S)how counts, e(X)it, (/):



Selection Criteria Fields:

Please remember that the selection criteria work with implicit logical “AND”s between them.  The only results that will be included in the output are those which pass all of the filters.  This is not an either/or set of selection criteria.


Date Range:  Enter a single date, a range of dates separated by a dash (i.e. 7/1-7/8), or ALL.


Hour Range:  Using military time, enter a single hour number, a range of hours separated by a dash (i.e. 8-14), or ALL.


Result Code: Enter a single result code, multiple result codes separated by semicolons, or ALL.


Campaign: Enter a single campaign, multiple campaigns separated by semicolons, or ALL.


Client: Enter a single client code, multiple client codes separated by semicolons, or ALL.


Agent: Enter a single IAT agent id, multiple agent ids separated by semicolons, or ALL.


Group By Fields:

Of the 6 fields available for sorting and grouping, you may have as many as 3 sub-totaled columns in an order determined by you (left-to-right).  The rightmost columns are sub-totaled first and the leftmost column is sub-totaled last.  By entering a number between 1 and 3 next to one of the fields, the numbers of the other fields will be adjusted according to your last entry.  It’s difficult to write a more detailed description of this, so we suggest that you play with it until it becomes intuitive.


Command Prompt Options:

S:  Calculate the query and show the results on the next screen.

X:  Exit from the Result History Query program

/:    Move the cursor back up to the top of the screen to modify your entries.




Show Counts Screen:



        Dialer Result History Inquiry for CCI - Page 1 of 2


Date           Campaign       Result             Attempts   Successes

10/01/09       RED_PAC        ANS_MACH_LMTC            38          38

10/01/09       RED_PAC        BUSY                     23           0

10/01/09       RED_PAC        NO_ANSWER                78           0

10/01/09       RED_PAC        TRANSFER_TO_OPERATOR     20          20

* Subtotal for RED_PAC                                159          58 *


10/01/09       RED_MTN        ANS_MACH_LMTC            26          26

10/01/09       RED_MTN        BUSY                     12           0

10/01/09       RED_MTN        NO_ANSWER                63           0

10/01/09       RED_MTN        TRANSFER_TO_OPERATOR     32          32

* Subtotal for RED_MTN                                123          58 *


** Subtotal for 10/01/09                              282         116 **


10/02/09       RED_PAC        ANS_MACH_LMTC            44          44

10/02/09       RED_PAC        BUSY                     29           0

10/02/09       RED_PAC        NO_ANSWER                17           0

10/02/09       RED_PAC        TRANSFER_TO_OPERATOR     30          30

* Subtotal for RED_PAC                                120          74 *


(P)rint, (F)ile, (N)ext, e(X)it:




Command Prompt Options:

P:  Cubs’ “Select Printer” window will display, allowing you to route the printed output as you prefer.  All pages of the query results will be routed to your selected printer.


F:  Create a sequential file with all of the data tab-delimited to facilitate import of the data into a spreadsheet program.  The path and name of the newly created file will be displayed in a window.


N: Next page. Used if there are more query output lines than fit on a single page, and this is not the last page.


B: Back a page.  Used if there are more query output lines than fit on a single page and this is not the first page.


X:  Exit from the show counts screen, returning to the main screen.






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Copyright 2009, Cubs Consulting, Inc.