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The Campaign Query provides access to historical data about the last build of each of the campaigns.
There are 2 screens for this program, the main screen and the detail screen.
The main screen lists summary data about each campaign. There is room for 19 result codes per page. The campaigns listed may be sorted in one of three sorting orders. By entering the line number of the campaign you are interested in, you can move to a details screen with some more information about that campaign.
IAT Campaign Query for CCI |
---- Accounts ---- |
LastBuild Incl Excl Left |
Stacked Stmts 07/02 15:50 100 3 N/A |
Interactive Combine
WIPs 07/01 12:14 2695 110 579 |
PURPLE_2 CTImpact Single Stmt 07/06 08:23 5710 625 N/A |
RED_1 Interactive Single Stmt 07/01 13:13 1358 254 1358 |
Interactive Multiple Dsks 05/28
14:42 978 57 0 |
(B)ack, (N)ext, nbr, (S)ort, e(X)it: |
By default, the campaigns are sorted alphabetically by name.
B: Back a page. Used if there are more campaigns than fit on a single page and this is not the first page.
N: Next page. Used if there are more campaigns than fit on a single page, and this is not the last page.
nbr: View the details for a campaign. Entering a number activates the detail screen for the campaign on that line number. That number must exist or an error message is displayed.
S: Sort the campaigns into an order which will help your viewing of the group. After entering “S”, you will receive the following prompt:
Sort by (N)ame, (B)uild date, (I)ncluded count:
Enter N, B, or I as you prefer.
X: Exit from the Campaign Query program
Line: The line number for the campaign. Use this line number to access the detail screen.
Campaign: The name of the campaign.
Type: The type of the campaign, either “Interactive”, “Batch”, or “CTImpact”.
Strategy: The build strategy for this campaign, either “Single Stmt”, “Stacked Stmts”, “Multiple Dsks”, “Combine WIPs” or “CUBS campaign”.
Last Build: The date and time that this campaign was last built.
Accounts Included: The count of accounts which were included in this campaign.
Accounts Excluded: The count of accounts which were excluded from this campaign.
Accounts Left: For interactive campaigns only, the number of accounts left to be sent to the dialer.
IAT Campaign Details for CCI |
Name: GREEN_1 |
Type: Interactive |
Build Strategy: Combine
WIPs from multiple desks |
Last Build Date/Time: 07/01/09 12:14:04 |
Accts Included at Build-Time: 2695 |
Accts Excluded at Build-Time: 110 |
Accts Left to Send to Dialer: 579 |
----- Build-Time Exclusion Reasons ----- |
Status Code: 6 |
Desk: 4 |
Client: 0 |
Don't Call: 7 |
No Phone: 93 |
Next Work Date: 0 |
e(X)it: |
In addition to all of the information from the summary screen, this screen allows you to see the counts of excluded accounts by the exclusion reasons.
X: Exit from the detail screen, returning to the main screen.
Copyright 2009, Cubs Consulting, Inc.