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CT Center Dialer Interface Reference Manual

Configuration Programs – Processing Parameters Definition


The dialer interface design allows for certain user-configurable parameters.  The Processing Parameters Definition screen allows you modify those parameters to make your dialer work according to your requirements.


Some of the parameters in this screen are specific to the current logon, while others are universal, affecting all logons.  The logon specific parameters are:

-          Callback Phone Number

-          ‘Do Not Call’ Fiscal Attribute Number

-          Exclusion Criteria by

o   Status Code

o   Desk

o   Client


This screen is divided logically into 4 sections.  The top section contains some general parameters.  On the bottom half of the screen, there are 3 sections, one for each type of exclusion.  There is a main command prompt at the very bottom of the screen.  Each of the exclusion sections is handled as if it were a separate screen, with its own command prompt. 



        IAT Processing Parameters Definition for CCI


                          Callback Phone Number:   1234567890

                 Results History Retention Days:   90

                  DTC Batch File Retention Days:   90

                   Campaign Data Retention Days:   5

                  'Do Not Call' Fiscal Attr Nbr:   422

 Curr Activity Exclusion for Timed Wip Accounts:   Y

                 Exclude Future Next Work Dates:   N


---- Criteria for Exclusion from Campaigns ----

Status Codes:    Desks:           Clients:

01. BAN          01. 29           01. 55433

02. DEC

03. DIS

04. PIF

05. SIF

06. SKP






(/)change, (S)tatuses, (D)esks, (C)lients, (F)ile, e(X)it:



Command Prompt Options:

/:  Move the cursor to the top section to enter data into the various parameter prompts in that section.


S:  Bring up the Status Code Exclusions command line to maintain status codes to be excluded.


D:  Bring up the Desk Exclusions command line to maintain desks to be excluded.


C:  Bring up the Client Exclusions command line to maintain client codes to be excluded.


F:  File or save the current Processing Parameters Definition, as shown on the screen.


X:  Exit from the Processing Parameters Definition program



Top Section Prompts:

Callback Phone Number:  Enter 10 digits for the callback phone number for this logon.  When a campaign is for “scripted” robotic calls, a callback telephone number is usually incorporated into the script.  CTCenter has the capability of getting that number from the campaign record, which is why this parameter is included here.  However, CTCenter also has the capability of getting that number from the script itself.  Therefore, depending upon how you make use of the CTCenter functionality, this is an optional parameter.


Results History Retention Days:  The results history file is the data source for the Result History Query.  There is a balance to be struck between having enough history for your reporting requirements and overloading your disk storage space with stale data.  For new installations, we default this value to 90 days, which seems to work for most agencies.


DTC Batch File Retention Days:  The only reason for retaining DTC (Dialer-To-Cubs) batch results files is for troubleshooting purposes.  If a question comes up about whether the results updating is happening correctly, this data store allows us to look at historical performance.  It’s important to be able to do that.  We default this value to 90 days. 


Campaign Data Retention Days:  This parameter is only relevant for interactive campaigns.  We want to keep a few day’s worth of data for troubleshooting purposes, but our need to do this is balanced by our need to keep the IAT-CAMPAIGN file running lean.  We default this value to 5 days.


‘Do Not Call’ Fiscal Attribute Number:  Agencies have different operational procedures in how they react to “cease and desist” orders.  One of the strategies that we’ve seen is to set up a “Do Not Call” attribute in the Cubs FISCAL file.  Any non-empty value in that attribute except for “N” (for the double negative “not do not call”) will cause an account to be excluded from a dialer campaign.  This is a logon-specific parameter.  Because not all agencies use this approach, this is an optional parameter.


Current Activity Exclusion for Timed Wip Accounts:  Under most situations, the dialer interface will look for reasons to not call an account, and if there is any reason whatsoever to justify not calling, the account will be excluded.  This is a very conservative approach intended to proactively help the agency avoid accusations of harassment.  One of the reasons for excluding an account is that an indication is found that the account has already been worked today.  However, in the common scenario that the agent has already made contact, but is requested to call back later at a specific time when the debtor will be available, we have found that even though the account has been “worked” today, it is important to allow the call to go out.


In the interest of being conservative, by default, this parameter is set to “Y”.  However, if this parameter is “N” and the tickler for an account has been set for a specific time, the dialer will not exclude the account from being called because of current activity.


Exclude Future Next Work Date:  Agencies who use Cubs have different operational usage of the next work date in the tickler file.  Some agencies use it for flagging a future escalation, but want to work the account in the meantime.  Other agencies want to not work the account under any circumstances until that date.  In the interest of being conservative, by default, this parameter is set to “Y”.


Exclusion Section Prompts:

The exclusion sections each have exactly the same user interface.  The only difference is the nature of the exclusion criteria, which will be Status Code, Desk, or Client Code.


The prompting in each section consists of entry of one of those values.  You won’t be allowed to enter a value unless it is a valid one.


Exclusion Section Command Prompt Options:

The command prompt on the bottom of the screen will state the name of the current section and spell out the following options, as appropriate:


B: Back a page.  Used if there are more exclusions than fit on a single page and this is not the first page.


N: Next page. Used if there are more exclusions than fit on a single page, and this is not the last page. 


A: Used to add a new exclusion.  The cursor will appear in the first empty position of the last page.  There are a maximum of 99 exclusions allowed in each section.


D or Dnn:  Delete an exclusion.  If “D” is entered, another prompt will display, “Delete which excluded _____ number:”.  Once a line number is entered, that exclusion will be deleted.  If Dnn is entered, it is the same as if “D” is entered and “nn” is entered for the second prompt. 


nbr:  Modify an existing exclusion.  Entering a number moves the cursor to the exclusion value on that line number.  That number must exist or an error message is displayed.


X:  Exit from the current exclusion section, returning to the main command prompt.




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Copyright 2009, Cubs Consulting, Inc.