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Phantom Job Processor Reference Manual

Phantom Console – Configuration Screen


The Configuration Screen gives the user the ability to specify email addresses to be notified in the event of specific phantom system events.  Also, report file specifications are entered here.




          Phantom Console – Configuration Screen        02/28/2005 22:36:05   


                        **** Email Addresses ****

  Phantom Started: phantom.admins@yourcompany.com

     Phantom Hung: phantom.admins@yourcompany.com;joe.cool@yourcompany.com

  Phantom Stopped: phantom.admins@yourcompany.com

   Phantom Killed: phantom.admins@yourcompany.com


                     **** Report File Specifications ****

             Query Report Folder: D:\PJP\QueryReports\

     Query Report Retention Days: 15   

          Easy Out Report Folder: D:\PJP\EasyOutReports\

  Easy Out Report Retention Days: 15


                           *** Sleep Times ***

  Time To Go To Sleep: HH:MM           Time To Wake Up: HH:MM








 (F)ile, /=change, e(X)it:




Screen Prompts – Email Addresses:


Email Addresses: Enter email addresses, separated by semi-colons (;), for people to notify when each of the system events occurs.  There are only 56 characters available in this field.  Frequently, that is not enough characters to enter all of the desired recipients for the email.  If the field is too short, the recommended solution is to set up an email recipients group on your email server.  Enter the email address of the recipients group here.


Screen Prompts – Report File Specifications:


PJP produces 2 different kinds of report files:

Query Report Files:  Query report files are produced by the Phantom Console – Scheduled Processes Query – Process List screen when the (F)ile option is chosen from the command line. 

Easy Out Report Files:  Easy Out report files are produced by the Phantom Driver runtime when an Easy Out process is executed after being defined as routing output to a file instead of to a printer.


For each kind of report file, there are 2 specifications:

Report Folder:  Enter the folder to be used to write reports to a file.  Please complete your report folder specification, ending it with a slash.

Retention Days:  Enter the number of days that you would like for the report files to be retained before being automatically purged from the folder.


Screen Prompts – Sleep Times:


It has sometimes happened that phantoms have had conflicts with the backup program working on their host computer.  The issue has been that the backup program locks up parts of the database as they are being backed up.  However the PHANTOM.DRIVER program needs to read the phantom database files every 10 seconds to see whether or not it is time to launch a process.  When the program tries to read a locked file, a system-generated error message comes up requiring user input.  This systemic demand for input which can’t be satisfied causes the phantom to go away and therefore to be considered by PJP to be “hung”.


One solution to this problem is to configure the backup program so that it doesn’t lock the database as it backs it up, but that solution is not acceptable to some system managers.  Here, we have the ability of the phantom to sleep during the vulnerable time period, thereby avoiding the issue.


The sleep times are optional, but if you enter one, you must enter the other.


Command Prompt Options:


/:  Slash at the command prompt will take you back to the first prompt at the top of the screen


F:  F at the command prompt will permanently save the changes that you have made and return you to the Phantom Console Main Screen.


X:  Return to the Phantom Console Main Screen.  If there have been changes made to these parameters which haven’t yet been saved, you will be prompted to enter “X” again to confirm your desire to lose the changes.




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