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CT Center Dialer Interface Reference Manual

Operations Programs – Build Campaigns


The purpose of the Build Campaigns program is to give dialer management personnel the ability to manually build (or re-build) campaign lists as needed. 


In the campaign definition screens, you have the ability to schedule the building of campaigns automatically as part of day end processing.  Most agencies have found that manually building campaigns through this program is preferable to the automated approach for these reasons:

-          Day-to-day operations at collection agencies typically involve constantly shifting priorities.  It’s very difficult to build a long-standing schedule of future collection efforts to be performed.

-          When debtor accounts are added to a dialer campaign, if they happen to be on the collector’s WIP for today, the dialer campaign marks them as having been worked, effectively removing them from the collector’s WIP.  Therefore, if a campaign is built automatically according to schedule, but not dialed, accounts which should have been worked that day may not have been worked.


The Build Campaigns program consists of 3 screens:

-          Entry Screen

-          Confirmation Screen

-          Results Display

Entry Screen:

The entry screen is used to enter the names of the campaigns which are to be built. 


When called from the menu, the cursor is positioned at line 1, waiting for you to enter a campaign name.  Only previously defined campaign names may be entered.  You may enter as many campaign names as you want.  When you are done, keying {Enter} at an empty line will transfer control to the command line at the bottom of the screen.



                 IAT Dialer Campaign File Creation

 Ln  Campaign

001. GREEN

002. RED_MTN




















(A)dd, nbr, (D)elete, (F)ile; e(X)it:  



Command Prompt Options:

A:  Move the cursor to the first empty line, ready to add more campaign names.


nbr:  Move the cursor to the campaign name on the line number entered.  That number must exist or an error message is displayed.


D or Dnn:  Delete a campaign name from the list.  If “D” is entered, another prompt will display, “Enter line number to delete:”.  Once a line number is entered, that campaign name will be deleted from the list of campaigns to be built.  If Dnn is entered, it is the same as if “D” is entered and “nn” is entered for the second prompt. 


F:  Accept the list of campaign names to be built and move to the Confirmation Screen


X:  Exit from the Build Campaigns program



Confirmation Screen:

The confirmation screen displays the name of each campaign to be built, along with the type of campaign and the campaign build strategy.  This is your opportunity to review your choices and to choose whether or not to go ahead with building the campaigns.



Build IAT dialer campaigns for:

GREEN          Interactive     Single recall statement

RED_MTN        Interactive     Stacked recall statements


OK? (Y, <CR>=N):




To go ahead, you must enter “Y”.



Results Display:

The following display appears on the screen immediately below the OK? confirmation prompt.  It shows the campaign building program’s progress as it is working.  At the end, it displays a summary of the record counts in the campaigns which were built.




OK? (Y, <CR>=N): Y


Processing campaign GREEN


1051 Records selected


1051 record(s) saved to list 'GREEN'

GREEN campaign records have been written.


Processing campaign RED_MTN


2320 Records selected


1126 Records selected


1126 record(s) saved to list 'RED_MTN'


RED_MTN campaign records have been written.


Counts of records written by Campaign:

GREEN   988

RED_MTN 1037


Key Enter to continue



Note: Usually there are fewer records written to the campaign than there are in the campaign list.  This is because of the interface’s account exclusion process.  To get a better accounting of reasons for the excluded accounts in a particular campaign, see the detail screen of the Campaign Query program for that campaign.



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Copyright 2009, Cubs Consulting, Inc.