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Phantom Job Processor Reference Manual

Phantom Console – Process Detail Screen


The Process Detail Screen gives the user the ability to:

-          Enter and update scheduling and execution parameters for an individual process.

-          Stack inputs for processes which require user input. 




            Phantom Console – Process Detail Screen          02/28/2005 22:36:05   

                  CCI – RTN_FILES


     Run Instruction: ABC.RETURN.FILE

               Cycle: M-F                         Printer Form: F0

                Time: 03:15                         Print/Hold: 1 – Print only

        Max Run Time: 00:45                 Easy Out File Name:

Override Next Launch:

 Email on Completion: john.george@cubsconsulting.com;marc.kahn@cubsconsulting.com

             Comment: Whatever you would like to put here.

Stacked Inputs:

01. Y                      

02. @DATE-1











 (/)change, (F)ile, e(X)it:




Screen Prompts:


Run Instruction:  Enter the instruction for the process to be run, as if entering it from TCL. It can be a MD item, cataloged program name, the literal “EO” for specifying an Easy Out report, or other, such as “RUN PL XXXXX”.  Remember that 2 processes within the same phantom can’t have the same run instruction.


If you enter “EO”, there will be some special prompting which is described on a separate documentation page.


Cycle:  Enter specific days of the week, separated by semicolons (M;TU;W;TH;F;SA;SU).  Available shortcuts are:

A range of days (i.e. M-F or TU-SA).

“D” = daily (all days).

“C” = Continuous run, for background processes with X minutes between runs.

“H” = Hourly runs, at a specified number of minutes past each hour.

Mdd” = Where dd is the day of the month.  Run only on the specified day.

“X” = Disable this job, leaving it set up for activation later.


Time:  The significance of the value entered here is dependent upon the “Cycle” option chosen above.

For a cycle of “C” (continuous runs)

Enter the number of hours and minutes (HH:MM) to wait between runs of this process (i.e. 10 minutes should be entered as “00:10”)

For a cycle of “H” (hourly runs)

Enter the number of minutes past the hour to run this process (i.e. 00:15 will cause the process to run at quarter past each hour).”

For all other cycle options:

Enter the time to run this process (in 24 hour military time).


Max Run Time: Enter the maximum expected duration for this process to run.  This will be used to determine whether or not a phantom is hung, so please enter a realistically high number.  Enter the time in the format HH:MM (i.e. 30 minutes should be entered as “00:30”).


Override Next Launch:  There are 2 prompts here, one for a date and, if a date is entered, another for the time. 

For the date prompt, enter the date to run this process next, skipping the normal cycle.

For the time prompt, enter time to run this process next, on MM/DD/YY. Time must be in 24 hour format HH:MM and must be in the future.


Note: The override next launch feature is rarely if ever used.  It was originally designed to help the phantom administrator recover from a system failure by allowing the re-scheduling of processes which should have run, but didn’t, while the system was down.  In practice, missed processes are typically executed manually from TCL.


Email on Completion:  Enter email addresses, separated by semi-colons (;), for people to notify when this process is completed.  There are only 56 characters available in this field.  Frequently, that is not enough characters to enter all of the desired recipients for the email.  If the field is too short, the recommended solution is to set up an email recipients group on your email server.  Enter the email address of the recipients group here.


Comment:  Enter any text, as needed, to help you remember what you were thinking when you set up this scheduled process.  This is an optional field.  Enter space to remove your previous comment.


Printer Form:  Enter the printer form number or name.  Printer “F0” can be entered as “F0” or simply “0”.  To remove this specification, enter a space followed by Enter.


Note:  This prompt should only be used here (at the Process level) if you wish to over-ride the settings as specified at the Phantom level.  If you leave this specification blank, the printer assignment parameters will default to the Phantom level ones.


Print/Hold:  This field is not available unless the Printer Form field has a value.  There are 3 choices, as follows:

                        1 – Print

                        2 – Hold

                        3 – Print and Hold


Easy Out File Name:  If a file name is entered here, the output from the Easy Out processing will be routed to a sequential file on your Cubs host.  If this field is left blank, output will be routed to the printer.


Please only use alphabetic and numeric characters for the file name, along with underscores.  At execution time, the program will append a date, time, and “.xls” to the file name entered here.  For example, if you enter “My_File” here, the actual file name will look like this “My_File_20110115_142341.xls” showing that the file was produced 01/15/2011 at 14:23:41.  The file will be tab-delimited and will contain only the column headings and detail line data with no formatting, subtotals, or report headings.


Note: This field is only visible if the run instruction is an Easy Out report which has been set up to go to the printer instead of to a save-list, and if a folder has been set up in the Configuration Screen.


Another Note:  Even though the file to be output has an extension of “.xls”, it is not an Excel file.  It is actually a “.txt” file, but we used “.xls” so that when you click on it in Windows, it will open the file using Excel instead of Notepad.


Stacked Inputs Prompting:

The stacked inputs are a bit like having a screen within a screen.  They have their own command prompt at the bottom, and the ability to enter up to 99 inputs for the process to be executed.


The purpose of stacked inputs is to allow you to run programs which require user input. 


Important Note: Depending upon the process being run, stacked inputs may prove to be troublesome.  Click here for details.


Stacked Inputs Command Prompt Options:

(N)ext, (B)ack, (A)dd, (I)nsert, (D)elete, nbr, e(X)it:


N: Next page. Used if there are more stacked inputs than fit on a single page, and this is not the last page. 


B: Back a page.  Used if there are more stacked inputs than fit on a single page and this is not the first page.


A:  Add a stacked input to the end of the existing ones.


I:  Insert a stacked input before an existing one.  To put a new one on the end, see “A” above.  To move a stacked input, it is necessary to delete it and insert it into the right place.  After entering “I”, a secondary prompt will ask you to specify which stacked input line number to insert before.  If you would prefer to go a bit faster, you can enter Inn where nn is the line number before which you would like to insert the new line.


D:  Delete a stacked input line.  After entering “D” a secondary prompt will ask you which stacked input line number to delete.  If you would prefer to go a bit faster, you can enter Dnn where  nn is the line number to delete.


nbr:  Go to that line number to modify the existing stacked input value.  That line number must exist or an error message is displayed.


X:  Return to the main Command Prompt for the Process Detail screen


Stacked Input Options:  Enter the input expected by the program, in the order that it is expected.  You can enter a literal constant or one of the following symbolic values:

@ENTER:  For an empty input field.  It’s not good enough to enter an empty field here because the program will interpret that as no entry at all.

@SLASH:  If user interface for the process to be run requires that a slash (/) be entered, you must use “@SLASH”.  It’s not possible to enter a slash as raw data here because it will be interpreted as your desire to move up one prompt and won’t work in the way that you want it to.

@DATE:  For the current date, in the format MM-DD-YYYY.

@DATE+n:  For the current date plus n number of days, in the format MM-DD-YYYY.

@DATE-n:  For the current date minus n number of days, in the format MM-DD-YYYY.

@DATE=BOM:  For the first date of the current month, in the format MM-DD-YYYY.

@DATE=EOM:  For the last date of the current month, in the format MM-DD-YYYY.


Command Prompt Options:


/:  Slash at the command prompt will take you back to the first prompt at the top of the screen


F:  F at the command prompt will permanently save the changes that you have made and return you to the phantom detail screen.


X:  Return to the Phantom Detail Screen.  If there have been changes made to this process which haven’t yet been saved, you will be prompted to enter “X” again to confirm your desire to lose the changes.





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