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CT Center Dialer Interface Reference Manual

Configuration Programs - Campaign Definition

Select from Multiple Desk Ticklers



In Cubs, it is difficult to build a single list from the ticklers for more than one desk because each desk has its own separate tickler file.  The name of each tickler file is CFxxx where xxx is the desk number.  The Select from Multiple Desk Ticklers campaign build strategy uses a work file to create a single list from the same selection criteria applied against multiple tickler files.  This strategy is particularly useful in a predictive dialing environment where you have a pool of agents working a pool of desks.



        IAT Dialer Campaign Details – Multiple Desk Ticklers        

   Campaign:  CAMPAIGN_3

       Type:  Batch

      Cycle:  X

Desk Numbers:       

  001. 15      007.         013.         019.         025.

  002. 23      008.         014.         020.         026.

  003. 32      009.         015.         021.         027.

  004. 47      010.         016.         022.         028.

  005.         011.         017.         023.         029.

  006.         012.         018.         024.         030.

Last Part of Recall Statement:












(/)change, (D)elete, (F)ile, e(X)it:




Screen Prompts:

Campaign, Type, and Cycle:  These prompts are documented in the Detail Screen section of the main Campaign Definition page.


Desk Numbers:  Enter each of the multiple desk numbers.  To remove a desk from the list, enter a space over it.  If there are more desks than can fit on a single page, you will be able to enter NEXT and BACK to move between pages.


Last Part of Recall Statement:  Enter (or edit) the last part of the Recall statement that will be used against each of the tickler files to select debtors to add to this campaign.  The partial statement entered here should always start with the word “WITH” because the campaign building program will build the complete statement, on the fly, by pre-pending “SELECT CFxxx to whatever is entered here.  We suggest that any selection statement include the condition, ‘WITH PRIMARY “1”’ to avoid calling packeted accounts more than once in the campaign.


The statement you enter can be up to 450 characters in up to 6 screen lines.  The program will manage the lines, breaking them up on word boundaries for you.  As you are entering text, there will be 2 informational lines at the bottom of the screen.  They look like this:


Approximately 340 characters left out of 450

Enter <CR> for next line, / to back up, # to finish.


Command Prompt Options:

/:  Change the campaign definition.  Control goes to the top prompt and proceeds, field by field, back to the command prompt.


D:  Delete this campaign.


F:  File this campaign to save it.


X:  Exit this screen without saving any changes.



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