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Batch Campaign |
When a batch campaign is built, there is a data file produced which must be sent to the CTCenter dialer host for processing. This is a rarely used feature of the interface. For in-house dialing, the Interactive IO feature is the method of choice for letting the dialer know what accounts are to be dialed. |
Build Strategy |
Within the campaign definition interface there are 5 different possible build strategies to choose from. They are: - Single Recall Statement - Stacked Recall Statements - Select From Multiple Desk Ticklers - Combine WIPs From Multiple Desks - Use Campaign Generated By Cubs Dialer These are explained in the Campaign Definition documentation page. |
Campaign |
A campaign defines the sub-set of debtor accounts which are to be dialed and relevant data about those accounts which can be used by the dialer. Each campaign has a name and a set of rules about which accounts to include, based on one of the build strategies. |
CT Impact |
CT Impact is a hosted dialer system offered as a service by IAT. Batch campaign files are built by the interface and then manually sent to the CT Impact host dialer. This service can handle IC outbound dialing or predictive dialing over the internet. Dialing results are sent back to the Cubs system in a batch result file. |
CTD and DTC |
We’ve notice that in peer-to-peer computer communications, the words “import”, “export”, “upload”, and “download” are typically used to describe the direction of the data being transferred. Over the years, we have found these words to cause more confusion than illumination because an “import” for one of the computers is an “export” for the other computer. Both words are used to describe a data transfer going in only one direction. As technicians trying to troubleshoot problems with other technicians, it is essential that we strive for clarity in our discussions. With that in mind, in the CT Center Dialer interface, we use 2 acronyms to describe the direction of a data transfer without any ambiguity. They are: - CTD is Cubs To Dialer - DTC is Dialer To Cubs |
Current Activity |
The interface tries to keep you out of trouble with the FDCPA by not allowing dialing on accounts with current activity since the campaign or the WIP being worked was built. Current activity is detected by any one of the following conditions: - Last payment date (D13) is today - Last action date (D22) is today - Status change date (D69.2) is today - Desk change date (D59.10) is today - Cancel date (D52) is today - NSF post date (D59.16) is today - Tickler “holdover flag” field (CF8) is “Y” |
IC Outbound Dialing |
IAT has the robust capability to script outgoing calls using interactive communication (IC). These calls are managed by the dialer with recorded messages. Sometimes, the script allows the person on the receiving end of the call to request to talk with a live agent and a connection can be made. |
Campaign |
Interactive campaign records are not written to a batch file. Rather they are added to a custom database within the TCS environment where they can be submitted to the CT Center host upon request. This allows the interface to send accounts to the dialer at the appropriate time for timed WIPs. It also allows the interface to filter out accounts which have had current activity since the campaign was built. |
Interactive IO |
The Interactive IO program facilitates communication between the TCS host and the CT Center dialer host in real time. It is described on this documentation page. |
IVR Inbound |
CT Center has the robust capability of answering incoming calls robotically using interactive voice response (IVR). It will gather information about the account (either the phone number from calling number identification or by having the calling person enter their account number) and send a query to the TCS interface to get back a record of data for that account. As scripted, based upon the TCS information, the call can be handled robotically or routed to an agent. |
Logon |
Many agencies using The Collector System maintain separate databases for different lines of business. These are called “logons” or “Cubs accounts”. The CT Center interface is programmed to handle a multiple logon environment. |
Packets |
Packets are a feature of TCS which allows agencies to group multiple debts for a single debtor. The interface uses packet data to collect phone numbers for dialing and to calculate the total balance due. Also, by default, all packet members receive the same updates when a result is processed by the interface. |
Predictive Dialing |
CT Center has operational logic which supports predictive dialing whereby it monitors call durations and predicts when the next agent will become available. It dials in anticipation of that moment so there is minimal downtime for the agents using the dialer. |
Recall Statement |
The multivalue database architectures upon which TCS is built (either UniVerse or jBASE) each have an integrated query language which allows end users to directly access the TCS database. This language is called “Recall”. Recall statements are an integral part of the selection strategies used to build campaigns for dialing. |
Result Code |
CT Center result codes are sent back to TCS either interactively or in a batch file. There is a configuration screen which allows the dialer administrator to define the actions to be taken in updating the account in TCS based upon each of the result codes which may be encountered. When a new result code is configured into CT Center, it is important to also configure that result code in the interface. If a result code from CT Center hasn’t been configured on the TCS side, no updates will take place for that dialer event. |
Tickler |
TCS has a tickler file for each desk. Important information about an account, such as the next work date/time and the priority are stored in the tickler file. In building a campaign for dialing, if the tickler contains a time to call, that is used by the interface. Also, the interface can update the tickler if the result code is configured to do that. |
Every night, TCS rebuilds WIP lists for each desk. The interface can work with WIP lists in various ways: - WIPs can be dialed directly through the interface if the agent tells CT Center that the name of the list that she wants to dial is CFxxx where xxx is a desk number. - A WIP can be worked both manually and interactively through the dialer in the same day. Each process lets the other know about accounts which have already been worked. This only works for interactive campaigns. - For CT Impact and batch campaigns, the WIP is marked as having been worked when an account is added to the campaign file. |
Copyright 2012, Cubs Consulting, Inc.